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English translation for "appeals process"


Related Translations:
appealing:  adj.1.恳求的,哀求的。2.有感染力的,吸引人的。短语和例子an appealing smile 动人心弦的微笑。adv.-ly ,-ness n.
snob appeal:  (商品引起顾客耍派头的)吸引力。
vexatious appeal:  不能受理的上诉, 无理的上诉
second appeal:  再上诉
appeal frustrated:  上诉的目的不能达致
criminal appeals:  刑事上诉
first appeal:  第二审, 第一次上诉
appealing information:  吸引人的消息
appeal cases:  上诉法院
urgent appeal:  紧急呼吁
Example Sentences:
1.Gale stuck with him all through the appeals process
2.Gale stuck with him all through the appeals process . .
3.Isn ' t there some sort of appeals process
4.The appeals process is over
5.The appeals process is over
6.During the appeal process the entire application will be re - examined in full
7.An fa spokesman said : " as far as our disciplinary regulations are concerned , there is no further appeals process that would enable the ban to be overturned .
一位足总发言人说: “根据我们的处罚规定,进一步上诉从而推翻禁赛是不能的” 。
8." baseball typically does three games , " cashman said . " he has the appeals process , and it seems steep . he ' ll go through it with his representatives and have their day in court .
9.Also the lack of a clearly defined appeals process does not provide for the complete development of programmes ( building sound relationships and further developing students ethics , values and life attitudes )
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